Identity Font: Hydro Flask


For the Hydro Flask logo, I uploaded this image to WhatTheFont which is a website that helps you identity what typeface your looking at. Turns out, the typeface of the insanely insulated water bottle is Galano Grotesque. Hydro Flask uses Galano Grotesque because the type has a friendly modern personality that can be used well in a variety of applications.  It also has a large type family with a wide range of styles and weights. This typeface reminds me of modernism and stands out nicely against the green background. I don’t think I’ve ever used Galano Grotesque but next time I just might.

Identifying Fonts

I chose to identify the font on the Walmart sign. I used an online resource to identify exactly which font it is, which is a font called Bogle. The font can be downloaded at the Walmart brand center’s website. When I was trying to identify the font the resource I used also said the Bogle font is similar to Myriad Pro Bold. After looking into it, Bogle is similar to Myriad with a few modifications on the letters W, a and t.

Identifying Fonts


Hollywood Records, which is an American record label associated with Disney Music Group uses Rockwell font as their main logo. Although a super simple and straightforward design, the boldness of Rockwell definitely adds more attention to the basic design. This font is clearly identifiable as Rockwell due to it’s strong squared serifs, minimal contrast, short ascenders and very clear vertical stresses. Rockwell is known to be a very mechanical font and is often described as ‘simple geometry’. However, even with it’s bold feel, it still comes off as a friendly and useable font.

Identifying Font

For my first blog post, I decide to try and determine the fonts found on a household object- a Eucerin lotion bottle.  By utilizing “WhatTheFont!” from, I was able to locate some of the font names used on this packaging by using an image as reference.  The text that reads “Original” was quite easy to decipher as a version of Optima Nova Light. This font is easily recognizable because of its circular “O” and “G”, as well as the slight contrast in line widths in the capital “N”, “A”, and “R”.

“Healing” below the previous line seems to be the same font but in bold. The text that reads “Eucerin” was a more difficult find, however.  What makes this font so unique is its narrow capital “E” along with the “c”s wide open counter, the rectangular dot within the “i”, and stout rectangular terminal of the “r”.   Following these specifications, finding a matching font was not possible. I found that “Tabac Glam G3 Semi Bold” and “Salzburg Serial Bold” were most like the font used in the packaging.

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Tabac Glam G3 Semi Bold

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Salzburg Serial Bold



Identifying Fonts: “The Gods of Comedy” Program

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I’m a big theatre person, so I like to see as many shows as I can. This past spring, I saw a friend in a regional production of a new play called The Gods of Comedy. This is a picture of the show’s program, which was distributed to audience members before the show. By using WhatTheFont, I identified the typeface used for the red type logo as Georgia. This serif typeface was created by Matthew Carter in 1993, and it was created to look formal and be easy to read for online use. Some things that differentiate Georgia from other plain serif typefaces are the height and visual weight of the characters. They are slightly taller in regard to their x-height and cap height, and the stems and stresses are a little bit thicker as well. Carter purposely made these decisions to improve the typeface’s readability because the internet was still new at the time, and fonts needed to be legible at low resolutions.

You can use WhatTheFont to discover more typefaces at

Information on Georgia from

Identifying Font

Clarendon Wide Bold

Gilbert balls are best known for being used in rugby. The picture on the left is a key chain of a tiny Gilbert ball I have collected from a rugby tournament. I was able to determine the font using Most of the fonts that were listed, were different types of Clarendon. Small little history about the font, is that it is a slab-serif released in 1845 by Thorowgood and Co. in London. And the designer of this font is Robert Besely.

Now, looking through them all, almost gave me a headache. I was able to distinguish that it was Clarendon Wide Bold by looking at the tail of the R and how much it curves up, the thickness of the letters especially from thin to thick, and the spacing between the letters. If you look closely between the regular bold and the wide bold in the image provided, for example you can see the spacing difference clearly between the I and the L.

Reddit Font Type


The Reddit typeface has been a very recognizable font type. Although the title of the “i” is drawn and separate from the rest of the font, the rest of the typeface is Hiruko Pro Book. The way you can easy recognize this is the round edges of each letter. The short arms on the “t”, as well as the extensions on the stems of the r, and d’s. Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 1.14.35 PM

Another couple things to check is the counter of the e’s and d’s. There are many fonts that are similar to the Reddit typeface, but the best match currently is the Hiruko Pro Book, although you can tell the one difference is the overall shape in the d’s.

Identifying Fonts

I searched for the font that Walmart uses for their Great Value brand’s products. I used and to find out what was used for Great Value’s premium plastic silverware. I found out that the font for the word “premium” was Cicero Bold on WTF. Then, I search for the logo’s font, but had difficulty finding out what font family it belonged to and the closest I came was New Rail Alphabet identified by identifont. However, this is not the exact font because the “a” in the logo is a monocular, not binocular like the New Rail Alphabet; there could have been modification made similar to how Walmart uses Myriad Pro-Bold for the logo, but modifies the W, a, and t. For most of the remaining font it is Myriad Pro and varies between weights. 

Honey Nut Cheerios

For identifying fonts, the logo of Cheerios brand cereal, specifically Honey Nut flavor, seems to be most similar to ITC Garamond Condensed after uploading the logo to whattthefont.

This typeface family has several different weights to it and was first released in 1975 in Book and Ultra, only. Cheerios have a double lowercase ‘e’ that the Garamond condenses the eyes of, while the teardrop terminal and bilateral serifs on the bottom of the lowercase ‘r’ is are very short as well, along with the serifs of the lowercase ‘i’.

The lowercase ‘t’ of ‘Nut,’ and the lowercase ‘h’ and ‘i’ of ‘Cheerios’ have a lower angled serifs too. The ‘n’ and ‘u’ in “Honey Nut” have more condensed apertures much like the lowercase ‘e’s mentioned. There are also semi serifs on capital letters such as the ‘H’ in “Honey” and ‘N’ in “Nut.”

Identifying Fonts

For my first blog post, I decided to identify the font used on my Lumineers album cover for Cleopatra. I chose the album because its one of my favorites and I thought the typeface was interesting because of its wide proportions. At first glance, you can immediately see that the typeface has serifs and that it uses all capital letters with lowered x-heights. After placing my image into, I confidently identified this typeface to be Mrs. Eaves All Small Caps. Mrs. Eaves was designed by a woman named Zuzana Licko in 1996 so its only been around for 23 years while this album was recently made in 2016. It is an adaptation of the Baskerville font that dates back to the 1750s and is mostly used in display contexts.