
Welcome to My New Typography Blog

  • Typographic Ornaments – Nelson

    December 17, 2019 by

    These are some of the ornaments that come with the typeface Nelson. They are mostly nature icons such as flowers and leaves, but there are also several glyphs that are nice for borders. I found this typeface and the ornaments on Typekit, and I was drawn to these because I like how they look like… Read more

  • Typewolf Resources – Fontology

    December 17, 2019 by

    One of the learning resources available through typewolf.com is Fontology. It is a free online workbook and glossary of sorts for typography skills and terms. From type anatomy to numbers and symbols, this interactive space brings you through the basics of typography and how to use certain elements. It’s a bit annoying that the page… Read more

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