Typographic Ornament

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While looking across numerous website for Typographic Ornaments I cam across one name that I full recognized too well, Minion Pro. Minion Pro was in 1990 for Adobe Systems and has always been a favorite of mine. The image above portrays the naturalistic ornaments which match well with the oldstyle design of Minion. The designer consciously gave them the character of hand-drawn illustrations which is what I love most about them. They are clean, modern and usable for various mediums.

Specimen Book: Futura

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This spread is from a Futura Specimen book that I came across on the internet. This spread does an outstanding job of demonstrating the highly effective qualities Futura has to offer. It’s futurist and modern personality shot to fame in 1969 when the Junar landing took place and has been as popular ever since. Futura in this spread looks so clean and fluid, allowing it to be easily used whether for a moon landing or on a fashion magazine. Its simplicity is what makes it so unique and timeless.

Identity Font: Hydro Flask


For the Hydro Flask logo, I uploaded this image to WhatTheFont which is a website that helps you identity what typeface your looking at. Turns out, the typeface of the insanely insulated water bottle is Galano Grotesque. Hydro Flask uses Galano Grotesque because the type has a friendly modern personality that can be used well in a variety of applications.  It also has a large type family with a wide range of styles and weights. This typeface reminds me of modernism and stands out nicely against the green background. I don’t think I’ve ever used Galano Grotesque but next time I just might.


The Typewolf website has a plethora of information for aspiring artists who are curious about which typefaces go well together and when to use them. One piece of writing that I found to be extremely informative and helpful  “Picking Type for User Interface”. It gave insight on which kind of typefaces are displayed best on the screen. User interface is something I am interested in so this website provided me with valuable tips for that.

Expressive Type

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This poster “Ink And Water Don’t Mix” is a prime example of expressive type. The designer successful created an ink like animation upon the written text. The smudged ink looks so realistic and the concept is very creative.  I am curious how the designer was able to achieve this look. Expressive type is a medium that is used by a plethora of artists to express realistic concepts through type and design.

Table Of Contents

This table of contents I found in a 6th grade Mathematics book stood out to be for its simplicity yet personality. Obviously when creating a textbook for kids. the designer needs to make it simple enough for the reader to not get overwhelmed by the information but also fun and friendly so the become engaged. The colors used are bright which catches the readers eye. The colors used also make it simple for the reader to decipher between the different categories listed. The illustration on the bottom is a fun design element that balances out the right side of the page with the grid.

Rhythm Hierachy

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When looking for music flyers, I came across this Bonnaroo music festival one immediately. It popped off the screen due to its use of bright colors and contrast. I love how they made the most famous artists in different colors like blue, pink, and yellow etc. and made the not so known ones in all white. The black background makes it easy for the type to jumps off and makes the artists, location and such easily legible. Putting the date of the festival and the location at the top allows the viewer to know right away when and where the festival takes place. I have seen some music festival flyers that have that information towards the bottom and it can get confusing. This is an excellent flyer and a good example of visual hierarchy. The use of a bold typeface for the big artists and a medium one for the smaller bands does not disrupt the flow, if anything it adds to it.

Kinetic Typography

This Kinetic Typography animation created by motion graphics artist, Stepdraw, is an example of kinetic typography riffs on a classic moment from the award winning show The Office. The animation starts off with the iconic line ” bears, beets and Battlestar Galactica”. The timing is lined up perfectly with the voice over and animation.  I feel this video is very successful because their animations coincide with the typography and the typefaces used reflect a working environment.

Type Houses and Foundries: Colophon

Colophon is an international type foundry based in Los Angeles and London. Founded in 2009, the award-winning company creates, publish and distributes typefaces for analog and digital media. Their library of typefaces consist of new classics that still uphold historic typography but incorporate contemporary components. The foundry also hosts original typecasts draw by influential practitioners from varied designed disciplines. Therefore, making their catalogue unique and desirable to graphic designers and users-of-type. I like that this foundry has a plethora of typefaces that are modern and sleek but most importantly timeless. Their catalog is impressive and provides a lot of choices for those looking.