Typewolf: A Pocket Guide to Master Every Day’s Typographic Adventures

In this small resource on Typewolf, it goes over the basics of typography and gives you pointers on how to better understand each of the different aspects that are involved.

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Something I really appreciate about this little guide is that it helps you remember the differences in things by comparing them to outside objects. I always confused typeface and font, but these quotes really allowed me to understand the differences.

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When it comes to creating/developing fonts or even working with them to make copy it is important to follow these simple steps and to recognize the differences. If you don’t follow these guidelines it will be easy for your type or even your designs to not look as clean or legible and those are your most important goals when it comes to working with typefaces.
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A huge issue I have when dealing with fonts, and writing copy is remembering the difference of hyphens, en dashes, and em dashes. They are vital to typography and this little guide allowed me to break it down into something more memorable and helpful.

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