Typographic Ornament

If you’re looking for a typographic ornament, Bodoni Oldstyle 72 is the way to go. This typeface is filled glyphs and decorated letters. An example of how to tell if the typeface is Bodoni is to look at the A. As you can see the A has a little ball at the serif’s beginning and the curvature of the tail at the end. That is a signature sign of Bodoni.

Bodoni was invented somewhere between 1740-1813. It has been revised many times and was created with the inspiration from Didot (another typeface fairly similar). Bidoni has many uses, especially in the poster and magazine industry.

Glyphs of Bodoni include:

Ornamental Composition from Bodoni Glyphs by Sung-Jin Kim | Minimo Graph

These glyphs have a old looking style hence the ‘oldstyle 72’. One person even made a decorative piece using the characters.

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