Typographic Ornaments

Originally, I was going to look more into Bodoni ornaments because Bodoni has become one of my favorite fonts to use. I decided to change to Minion Pro ornaments because in all truthfulness I don’t really like the look of Bodoni ornaments. Another reason I decided to look more into Minion Pro ornaments is because I never realized that Minion Pro had ornaments. I think often time, for me personally I just look over ornaments because I never really use them. I came across a site called thebookdesigner.com and Minion Pro’s ornaments stood out to me because they are small, cute and look like little drawings. They were created in 1990 by Robert Slimbach. These ornaments even though they are small still stand out the perfect amount because of the contrast of black and white in them. I like them because they are simple, clean and aren’t too dramatic.

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