Online Font Libraries

I chose to look at fonts on Typekit which has recently been switched to Adobe Fonts. I wanted to look at these fonts because I have an adobe cloud subscription. I didn’t realize that I could view all the fonts and activate them as well so that’ll definitely be helpful in the future. The fonts I chose that work well together are Amplitude Black and Benton Sans Book. Amplitude Black is the font I used for the header and Benton is the used in the place holder text. The fonts do resemble each other which is why I like them together but the do have differences. Amplitude is a font I would use for a heading because some of the letters like L and H reach above the ascender line. I personally wouldn’t like the look of that if amplitude was used as paragraph text. I also like the look of having a really bold heading and then the paragraph text is a thin font. I was between Benton Sans Book and Thin when choosing the paragraph text; but the Benton sans thin seemed a little to hard to read. While they both look the same Benton sans book is just a little bit bolder.

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