
The website typewolf.com is site that has an enormous amount of typographic information. This site is extremely useful for people who have a sort of “graphers block”, similar to writers block. I can speak for myself when I say sometimes it can be challenging relying on typeface as your main source of design.

Upon browsing the site, I found that the ‘LookBooks’ tab visually helped me the most. If you are looking for specific information I would recommend ‘Guides & Resources’ however, I personally benefit from looking at inspiration. The ‘LookBooks’ tab gives font a personality and aesthetic. It is void of any personal graphic design, which is good so it can be up to interpretation. A designer needs to be invested in their typeface, and that can be hard to do with a just a black and white page on Adobe fonts.


They also have a frequently asked questions section at the bottom. This provides tips to help avoid redundancy and help you chose the perfect font.

I suggest this portion of the site because I am a visual learner, hence my goal to be a graphic designer. This is extremely good for people like me, who need inspiration and advice.

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