Typewolf: Adobe Fonts

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On the typewolf site there were plenty of very useful sites I checked out that can all be used to make one accustomed to all aspects of type. I particularly enjoyed checking out Adobe Fonts, which was previously known as Typekit. I had used Typekit before since it is part of my Adobe Cloud subscription, but I never took the time to check out all the features as I should. When I took the time to check out Adobe fonts tonight, I was pleasantly surprised by all of the feature sit had to offer. Not only does the site have thousands of fonts through an easy search-and-filter menu, but Adobe fonts also offers “Font Packs” that help the user find just the right set of fonts for certain projects and/or occasions.

Adobe Fonts also allows you to search and find information about type families, foundries and designers as well. Overall, I would definitwly recommend this site and I do love this as a resource for when I’m looking for new fonts for a project!

Adobe Fonts Website


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