Table of Contents

IMG_2676I had an odd difficult time finding a very modern type of table of contents. But, interesting enough, I enjoyed looking at how simple older table of contents were. This book, The Land of Oz: the Further Adventures of the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, is from 1904 and uses all kinds of simple. The images only relate to the characters in the book, the font seems to be consistent, and the color well is black. There’s not a lot of hierarchy since the page was made to its simplest form. It’s all straight to the point for the readers to not get distracted or possibly overwhelmed because there is too much going on in the page. Now a days, of course, it could be better. It could be designed with various font and possibly add color (since its feasible) to create hierarchy and a more appealing, eye-grabbing look. But for a 1904 book, it’s not too bad, just in it’s simplest form of design.

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