Kinetic Type

While exploring videos of kinetic type on the Vimeo site, I happily came across lyric video to the song “Gooey” by Glass animals. Not many people know this band, but they are one of my absolute favorites and I even got to see them live. Because of my obsession, I knew I had to choose this animation for our 5th blog post. For people who don’t know glass animals and their style of music, it may be hard to understand how the artist communicated the ideas and concepts of Gooey into this video. As a brief background, the song is supposed to be set in a dream-like jungle while the narrator guides the listeners through it, teaching them the inner workings of the environment and the animals that inhibit it. This video incorporates concepts derived from the song by including things like jungle leaves, water ripples, and the creepy eyes of the creatures. It also creates a sense of being in a daze, just like the song does for most listeners.

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