Hierarchy Rhythm


This music festival schedule for the 2019 Beale Street Music Festival is a piece that I think demonstrates a very clear hierarchy rhythm. At first glance, this schedule is very easy to read and break down information. The hierarchy highlights the dates in massive font as well as a bright orange background which further more emphasizes the importance of the dates, which most of the time is the most important information regarding shows. The next part of the hierarchy is the emphasis on which stage each performer will be at. Not as striking as the dates, but nonetheless very much important and is demonstrated perfectly. Lastly, the performers and times of the shows are still very much emphasized due to them still being important, however you can see that through the hierarchy they are not the biggest level of concern. All in all all of the information really stands out on this poster, but just as the designer intended, your eyes travel from one line of information in a very obvious a,b,c rhythm.

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