Hierarchy Rhythm

This poster has a special place in my heart. I went on this show when it originally toured in 2018. I love it for its perfect display of rob zombies pure grotesquely beautiful aesthetic, the viewer knows (if they know anything about Rob Zombie) immediately know who’s being addressed. The poster also does a good job of showing exactly what the show is like, but I will say for hierarchy’s sake its not the best. All of the text is bold and aggressive and makes it hard for the viewer to focus on one bit of information at a time. The artist shows the most important information (being the tour name in this case) by blowing it up to be the biggest and heaviest type on the page, but also makes the date and location the most color contrasting piece of information on the page creating a bit of tension between where the eye should go. I think the artist should be a bit more consistent in whats the most important text on the page.

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