Hierarchy Rhythm


I have always wanted to go to Coachella and I believe I’m just waiting for the right time with the right amount of money. But that’s not what this post is about, it’s about their poster. Coachella is a huge event in California every year for 2 weekends. This poster does a decent job portraying the dates in a different background color with a shape around it, using different font sizes and grouping the artists that are performing on a certain day.

With various font size, they’re using the biggest known artists to the lesser known artists (as I’m assuming). My eye actually caught the names of the artists first instead of the concert. I had found another version of this poster below. In this version they don’t show which days the artists are performing but this shows my assumption to be true. They had put the more important and well known artist towards the top.


I believe the (top) poster is good given the amount of information they hold. It was up to the designers to chose what to put in order to not make it so clustered (because there’s another poster about the schedule). I think the couple of things I would change is the time it starts for each day, spacing and not have added the stars in the background. Spacing is always important. There should be a bit more spacing between each day the artists are listed to give a true distinct look that they are artists performing on different days.  Lastly, the stars are a little distracting for the light weighted fonts at the top near the title of the event. Keeping them and changing the color of the font or keeping the color of the font and changing the background would help it be easily readable. Other than those few changes, the poster has a clear message of who is performing what day and what event this is.

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