Type Specimen Book

by Kristina Console

Designing anything in the graphic world can be difficult without an organized approach. Finding elements that all play together are extremely important. One thing that can make or break a persons work is fonts. If your font doesn’t match the overall aesthetic, it can throw everything else off. Choosing a type face can be much easier using a Type Specimen Book. A Type Specimen Book is an outlet that shows a type face used in multiple ways.

As I was scrolling through multiple examples, I found this Type Specimen Book.

Image result for type specimen book
Paul Rand’s (& Jan Tschichold’s) Type Specimen Book

I thought this was a great example on showing a type face. The creator showed multiple uses whilst giving it a personality. This sort of font is not regularly used but upon looking at the pages you can gather the kind of design it would be produced for. Another reason I like this layout is the creator did a good job at designing the page. With a good design, one might be more likely to use this font in future works. It is cohesive and easy to understand where this type falls.

All in all, this is a well done Type Specimen Book. It shows the font to its best degree and also shows little designs for examples on how it can be used. If you are having trouble picking a type face, I suggest looking at a Type Specimen Book to help you.

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